Dune Part 2 Inspired Feyd's Knife picture link to more pitures and ordering Handmade Camp Cooking Knife Picture. Handmade Tactical Viking Seax Knife Picture. Crocodile Dundee Hunter Knife Picture.  From the Movie Crodile Dundee.  American Bowie Knife Picture Handmade Kukri Fighter Knife Picture. Rhomphaia Tactical Knife Picture
Long-Knives - Influenced by the Movie "Lord of the Rings"
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Rhomphaia Tactical                                                              
Handmade Kukri Fighter Knife. Link to close up pictures, prices, and descriptions.
Kukri Wartime Fighter Knife                                 
Kukri Wartime Fighter Knife. See footage of us demonstrating it's slicing power, history of the Kukri.
Bill “The Butcher” Cleaver $169, William Cutting Knife
Bill The Butcher Cleaver & William Cutting Knife – Influenced by Gangs of New York  Picture HandmadeBill The Butcher Cleaver & William Cutting Knife – Influenced by Gangs of New York. Link to close up pictures, prices, and 
descriptions. Rhomphaia Tactical.  Link to close up pictures, prices, and descriptions. Billy's Predator Knife Picture.  Influenced by the movie Predator. Billys Predator Knife. Influenced by the movie Predator. Link to close up pictures, prices, and descriptions. Billy's Predatore Knife Influenced by the Movie Predator, Historical Falcata, & Crocodial Hunter Influenced by Crocodile Dundee Video 
Link Picture
Billy’s Predator Knife I - Influenced by the Movie Predator    
Scorpion Swords & Knives Facebook Picture Link from Web Site Scorpion Combat Knife
Scorpion Combat Knife                                            
Scorpion Combat Knife.  Link to close up pictures, prices, and descriptions. Resident Evil Knife – Influenced by Resident Evil 4 Picture
Resident Evil Knife – Influenced by Resident Evil 4       
Resident Evil Knife – Influenced by Resident Evil 4.  Link to close up pictures, prices, and descriptions. Resident Evil 4 Knive Influenced by the Game Resident Evil 4.  Video Link Picture Furian Knives – Influenced by Chronicles of Riddick Picture Furian Knives, Influenced by Chronicles of Riddick.  Link to close up pictures, prices, and descriptions. The Furian Knives. Influenced by the Movie Chronicles of Riddick, video link. Billy's Predator Knife Version II Picture.  Influenced by the movie Predator.
Billy’s Predator Knife II - Influenced by Movie Predator    
Billys Predator Knife Version II. Influenced by the movie Predator. Link to close up pictures, prices, and descriptions. Billys Predator Knife II. Influenced by the Movie Predator, video link. Zombie Survivalist Super Knife Picture
Zombie Survivalist Super Knife                 
Zombie Survivalist Super Knife. Link to close up pictures, prices, and descriptions. Lakonian Striker Sword Youtube link to the video
American Bowie Knife                            
American Bowie Knife. Link to close up pictures, prices, and descriptions.
Jack's Knife - Resident Evil 4 Influence     
Jack Krauser's Knife from Resident Evil 4 Picture Jack Krauser's Knife Resident Evil 4 Influence. Link to close up pictures, prices, and descriptions. Jack's Knife from Resident Evil 4 Youtube video link.  Inspired by the Game  Resident Evil 4. Stormbringer Aragorn Knife, Lord of the Rings Influence, Picture
Stormbringer Aragorn Knife - LOTR Influence        
Stormbringer Aragon Knife, Lord of the Rings Influence. Link to close up pictures, prices, and descriptions. Stormbringer Aragorn Knife Influencecd from Lord of the Rings Youtube video link.
Tactical Smatchet Short Sword                        
Crocodile Dundee Hunter Knife Video.  From the Movie Crodile Dundee.  See us demonstrate the knifes slicing power, Crocodile attacks, 
Outback video, and more.
Handmade Custom Swords.  Fully Functional Knives, Hatchets, & Tomahawks. Ancient, Tactical, Movie & Fantasy blades. Made out of quality steel.  See pictures of all our swords at all angles, prices, and detailed descriptions.
NOT MASS PRODUCED.  HANDMADE.    Customize your order any way you like it!
Custom Sword & Knife orders too! E-mail us your description or sketches of what you would like and we will quote you a reasonably price. Competitive shipping rates around the world.
Scorpion Swords & Knives Home Page Button Picture.  Link to Home Page. View Our Handmade Swords, Knives, Spears & Bows Button Link Scorpion Swords & Knives Product Care Page Link Scorpion Swords & Knives Return Policy Link Scorpion Swords & Knives Testimonials.  Customer reviews of our products.  This is Link to more Testimonials. About our company, Scorpion Swords & Knives, Link to the page with more information.  How we make our blades, where, etc. Scorpion Bushcraft Knife Picture
Scorpion Bushcraft Knife                    
Scorpion Bushscraft Knife.  Link to more pictures. Counter Strike Knife.  Influenced from the Game.  Picture to link to more pictures. Counter Strike Knife. Influenced from the Counter Strike.  Link to more pictures.
Counter Strike - Influenced from the Game 
Counter Strike Knife Influenced from the Game Counter Strike.  Youtube link to the video deer_hunter_knife.jpg Counter Strike Knife. Influenced from the Counter Strike.  Link to more pictures.
Deer Hunter Knife                                        
Crocodile Dundee Hunter Knife Video.  From the Movie Crodile Dundee.  See us demonstrate the knifes slicing power, Crocodile attacks, 
Outback video, and more. Crocodile Dundee Hunter Knife.  From the Movie Crodile Dundee.  Link to close up pictures,  and descirptions. Super Predator Knife Picture.  Influenced by the movie Predator.
Super Predator Knife - Influenced by Movie Predator  
Super Predator Knife. Influenced by the movie Predator. Link to close up pictures, prices, and descriptions. Subscribe to Scorpion Swords & Knives Weeky Ad for Higher Discounts Super Predator YouTube Link Picture Orc War Cleaver SBG Limited Edition picture link to more information and ordering. Orc War Cleaver SBG Limited Edition link to more information and ordering.
The Orc War Cleaver - SBG Limited Edition
Orc War Cleaver YouTube Link Picture Handmade Commando Jungle Knife Picture.
Commando Jungle Knife                            
Handmade Commando Jungle Knife. Link to close up pictures, prices, and descriptions. Commando Jungle Knife Extreme Duribility YouTube Video Picture Link Lord of the Rings Strider Knife Picture.
Strider Knife - Influenced by Lord of the Rings
Lord of the Rings Strider Knife. Link to close up pictures, prices, and descriptions. Lord of the Rings Strider Knife Video, Inspired by the movie Lord of the Rings.  Lord of the Rings Legolas Long Knives Picture.  Lord of the Rings Legolas Knives.  Link to close up pictures, prices, and descriptions. Cyborg Knife Picture.  Influenced by the movie Cyborg.
  Cyborg Knife - Influenced by the movie Cyborg     
Cyborg Knife. Influenced by the movie Cyborg. Link to close up pictures, prices, and descriptions.
  Tactical Viking Seax      
Tactical Viking Seax Knife. Link to close up pictures, prices, and descriptions.
  Camp Cooking Knife
Camp Cooking Knife. Link to close up pictures, prices, and descriptions. game_of_thrones_bronn_knife.jpg
The Crocodile Hunter - Influenced by Crocodile Dundee 
The Furian Knives - Influenced by Chronicles of Riddick
  Game of Thrones Influenced Bronn Knife
Game of Thrones Influenced Bronn Knife. Link to close up pictures, prices, and descriptions. Handmade Tactical Smatchet Picture. Tactical Smatchet Used by British & American Special Forces.  Link to more pictures.
Used by British & American Special Forces During World War II
 Dune Part 2 Feyd's Knife
Dune Part 2 Influenced Feyds Knife. Link to close up pictures, prices, and descriptions. mywebsite029004.jpg
$303 On Sale!
$209 On Sale!