Mon-Sat 8am to 10pm
CST @ 417-773-0304
Story of Legolas & His Knives:
Copyright ©, Scorpion Swords & Knives, LLC
$363 Legolas Elvish Long-Knives Without Sheaths
Legolas Elvish Long-Knives
Legolas Greenleaf was a Sindarin Elf who became a part of the Fellowship of the Ring. Legolas was Prince of Mirkwood, the son of King
Thranduil, a descendant from the royal line of Sindarin elves. Legolas primarily uses two weapons when engaged in combat with the
forces of evil. The first of these are his Elvish long-knives. Legolas carries two of these, and uses them both with deadly precision.
Legolas prefers to use his bows over his knives, and only uses them when he is forced into close combat or runs out of arrows,
such as in Amen Hen or at the Deeping Wall of Helm's Deep. However, when he does use them, though they do not match Aragon's masterful
sword splay or Gimli's power with the axe, they are quite deadly and can easily kill orcs or Uruk-hai.
Influenced by the Movie
"Lord of the Rings"
Total Length = 21" Blade Length = 14 "
Blade Width = 1 3/8 " Blade Thickness = 3/16
Handle Length = 7 " Handle Width = 1" x 1 ¼ " Weight = 18 oz each Handle: Maple Handle
with 4 hidden pins & epoxy. Elvish Hand Etching.
Also some etching on the blade toward the handle
$421 Legolas Elvish Long-Knives With Sheaths
All Sheaths are Black Buffalo Culatta Leather