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Mon-Sat 8am to 10pm
CST @ 417-773-0304
Tactical Guardian Sword
Tactical Guardian Sword:
$249 Tactical Guardian Sword - No Sheath
Total Length = 32 ½
Blade Length = 22 Ό Blade
Width = 2 widest
Blade Thickness = 3/16
Handle Length = 10 Ό
Handle Width = 1 ½ widest
Handle: Black Linen Micarta
Weight = 3 lbs 2 oz POB
= 3 from Guard
$288 Tactical Guardian Sword - With Sheath
This intimidating multipurpose cut and thrust weapon is capable of stabbing, as well as making both precise cuts and slashes, as opposed
to specializing in one form of use. The point of the blade is a powerful piercer! The slight curve of the blade allows
it to inflict deadlier wounds and makes slicing objects easy as its pushed into the force of your swing. The solid construction
handle, which offers great grip and control, combined with our high quality heat treated steel, results in an EXTREMELY DURABLE sword.
All Sheaths are Black Buffalo Culatta Leather